You can browse for the receivables for sale in the "Marketplace" menu on the sidebar of your dashboard. We will remind you via email at least one (1) day before the next auction, so you have enough time to deposit funds in your account.
To bid, your e-wallet balance should be equal or more than the face value of the invoice you are bidding for. So if you are bidding for a receivables worth MMK 10,000,000.00, your e-wallet balance should be equal to or more than this amount. Otherwise, you will not be able to bid for that particular receivable.
The exciting part of the auction is the competition. Remember that you are competing with other Funders during the auction, and someone may also be observing to outbid your current bid.
Once you have placed a bid on a receivable, an amount equal to half of the invoice value will be held (meaning, you cannot use that amount to bid for other receivables) until the auction is done or someone outbids you.
In case you win the auction, M Boss will take the full amount from your e-wallet and the awarded invoice will be assigned to you (a “Standard Terms & Conditions of Sale” and Mutual Agreement). If you are unsuccessful in the auction, the amount held from you will be given back to your e-wallet, so you can participate the next bidding. You can bid as many invoices as you want as long as you have enough balance in your e-wallet.
As corporate/individual Funder in our platform, you will be funding the invoices of SMEs with promising projects; an alternative investment platform.
By buying receivables, you will be a catalyst for the growth of SMEs so they do not have to wait for them to get paid. This will help them grow the business faster.
When you have successfully bought an invoice, the Seller is legally transferring the invoice ownership from them to you, the Funder of the invoice (through the “Standard Terms & Conditions of Sale” and Mutual Agreement), they are also transferring the risk of late payments. This also means that you are the Funder of the invoice will have the right to collect from your client if it passes the expected date of payment.
M Boss determines the floor price for the bidding of the invoices, which varies depending on the delay and default risk of an invoice.
The initial discount will be based on the Invoice Seller’s clients (Payor) (1) Financial Standing, (2) Info in Supplier Payments - how long do they actually pay, (3) Size of the invoice. The higher the financial standing, the lower the rate and vice versa. If the Payor on average pays 30 days after the due date, we’ll also add 30 days on top of the invoice due date. All of this is factored in to give you an initial discount rate for the invoice.
The initial discount will be based on the Invoice Seller’s clients (Payor) (1) Financial Standing, (2) Info in Supplier Payments - how long do they actually pay, (3) Size of the invoice. The higher the financial standing, the lower the rate and vice versa. If the Payor on average pays 30 days after the due date, we’ll also add 30 days on top of the invoice due date. All of this is factored in to give you an initial discount rate for the invoice.
Funders will then bid out for the invoice within 4 hours, and the winner with the closest bid to the X% (of invoice value) ceiling price wins.
Sample Computation:
Invoice Value: 100,000
Monthly Discount Rate: 3%
Total Days till Maturity (number of days delay incorporated): 47
Total Rate: 4.7% (47 days * 3%/30)
Total Discount Amount (Gross Funder Earning): 4,700